I am a little upset with Kroger this week. It seems they are limiting coupons to five like coupon in 24 hours. Now I know they are trying to be fair so the extreme couponers don't buy out the store. However they offer 10 for 10 deals all the time. That is when I try to stockup and catch the lowest price I can. So this morning I email the corprate office to tell them I feel they should accept to coupons on the 10 for 10 deals. I urge all of you to do the same. It messes up your game plan when you can only use 5. I understand that they are trying to keep some folks from buying 50 of one item. No kidding a couple of weeks ago Domino's sugar was 2.49 if you bought 10, there is also a 50 cent coupon that doubles to 1.00 so that was 4 pounds for 1.49 great price. In my local stores (There are 3 Kroger stores close to me.) I went to all 3 stores and they were sold out, I saw on woman in line she had 40 bags. So I got a rain check. This was before the stores change the policy to limit of 5 like coupons in on trip. This being said I get the idea of a limit per trip but since most of their sales are the 10 for 10 I feel they should change it from 5 to 10. If you feel the same, go to their corp site
http://www.kroger.com/help/Pages/contact_us.aspx. Shoot them an email. Maybe if enough of us do this they will raise the limit to 10 so we can catch a good deal. I did get my rain check from each store so I will get the sale price but I will have to go to 3 stores instead of one to do it. (What a bummer.)
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