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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Watch on line free: The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity Shop is available for online viewingMay 4 - 10, 2009


2 Dogs said...

Casey - Just dropping by to say hi! We are getting lots of rain and my grass is growing very tall.

2 Dogs said...

How are you doing? I'm glad tomorrow is Friday!! Have a good weekend.

Anonymous said...

thank you for this link,
here we have some bbc and fox channels, english w/ arabic subtitles which is very annoying to watch.

ah, it's weird to see the UAE flag on my arrival, ,,, gee,, i am far from home,, i think..

Together We Save said...

You have the New Moon count down too. Wow.

2 Dogs said...

Hi ya! I haven't been to Gatlinburg in several years. It's probably changed a lot. I haven't been to Dollywood for 20 years or more.

My friend goes to Dixie Stampede and loves it. She's been wanting us to go.

Hope you have a good time. You'll have to share about your trip.


Unknown said...

Please update this blog. I'm going broke without it.

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